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HPPCL has drawn an exhaustive strategy for speedy implementation of these projects in a phased manner based on the infrastructure and power evacuation arrangements available. Despite difficult terrain with high mountains, land locked areas, unpredictable geological behavior and limited working season. HPPCL has left no stone unturned to achieve its goals. In a short duration, HPPCL has put in place a professionally competent Engineering Design Unit for developing hydropower projects from concept to the commissioning with the use of latest available software tools. 

Construction of five Hydro Electric Power Projects aggregating to 856 MW viz., Sawra Kuddu (111 MW), Kashang Stage I (65 MW), Kashang Stage II &III    (2x65 MW), Sainj (100 MW) and Shongtong Karcham (450 MW) were taken in phase-I.

As of now Kashang Stage-I (65MW) and Sainj HEP (100MW) have been commissioned. All three units of Kashang HEP were commissioned  on 1stSeptember,2016, 3rd March,2016 & 31ist March,2016 respectively and Sainj HEP on 4thSeptember,2016. The Kashang HEP had most difficult logistics and approaches, with intake works located at an elevation of 2826m (highest intake structure in Himachal Pradesh). The Shongtong-Karchham HEP (450 MW) is expected to be commissioned by January 2020 and Sawra Kuddu (111 MW) would be commissioned by December, 2018. HPPCL through timely intervention has to some extent managed to overcome the challenges posed due to liquidity and financial constraints faced by the Infrastructure Companies engaged for construction of these projects.

Eleven projects with an installed capacity of 1373 MW viz, Renukaji Dam Project HEP (40MW), Chirgaon Majhgaon HEP (60 MW), Kashang Stage-IV (48 MW), Gyspa Dam Project (300 MW), Surgani Sundla HEP (48 MW), Nakthan (460 MW), Thana Plaun HEP (191 MW) and Triveni Mahadev HEP (78 MW), Chanju-III HEP (48 MW), Deothal Chanju HEP (30 MW) and Dhamwari Sunda HEP (70 MW) have been taken in Phase-II. DPR of Chanju-III HEP (48 MW), Deothal Chanju HEP (30 MW) & Surgani Sundla (48MW) have been approved and for other Projects, survey & investigation and DPR work is in progress.DPR of Nakthan HEP(460MW) & ThanaPlaunHEP(191MW) is under examination in CEA/CWC. Two projects namely Renukaji Dam Project (40 MW) in district Sirmour and Gyspa Dam Project (300 MW) in district Lahul & Spiti have been declared as projects of National Ptrojects by Govt. of India. These projects are to be funded by Govt. of India to the extent of 90% of the project cost and 10% will be paid by the other beneficiary states. The Renukaji Dam Project (40 MW) envisages supply of drinking water to National Capital Territory of Delhi apart from generating 40MW power. The Gyspa Dam Project (300 MW) envisages storage of water under Indus Water Treaty apart from generating 300MW power.  

Six projects with total installed capacity of 927 MW shall be taken up in phase-III for which preliminary survey and investigation works are being taken up.

  Asian Development Bank (ADB) has provided US $ 800 million to HPPCL for construction of five HEP’s namely Sawra Kuddu HEP, Integrated Kashang HEP Stage-I, Stage II and III, Sainj HEP and Shongtong Karcham HEP. German Development Bank, KfW has provided Euro 150 million funds for E&M works of Shongtong Karchham HEP. KfW has also agreed to provide Euro 200 million for Thana Plaun HEP (191 MW). The AFD (Agence Française de Développement, French Development Agency) is providing   Euro 80 million for  Chanju-III HEP (48 MW) and Deothal Chanju HEP(30 MW) for which Credit Facility Agreement has been signed on 4th July, 2017 between GoI and AFD. The World Bank has agreed to facilitate financing of debt component of Nakthan HEP (460MW) amounting to USD 430 million. On the financial front, HPPCL has been continuously exceeding financial targets committed to the Asian Development Bank.

The work of preparation of DPR of road tunnel under Urni Dhank in Kinnaur District of Himachal Pradesh entrusted by HPPWD was also completed by HPPCL in house in the year 2016. The Urni Dhank traffic tunnel will provide permanent solution for the smooth and uninterrupted movement of traffic throughout the year on NH-5.

HPPCL is the first State Government Utility of Himachal Pradesh to implement the Systems Applications Products Enterprise Resource Planning (SAP ERP) solution thereby bringing transparency and efficiency in its day to day working.

HPPCL values the importance of continued education in improving employees' required skills and knowledge.  In an effort to enhance the competitive edge of the HPPCL, various training programs are being organized to facilitate the development of personnel and to make it possible to align the Company’s prosperity with enriching the capacities and capabilities of individual employees at all levels.

HPPCL has implemented various welfare schemes and R & R activities in order to compensate the families affected adversely by the project activities in five projects, in addition to expenditure incurred under R&R plans under each welfare scheme. Up to date expenditure incurred under welfare and R & R activities (for five projects namely Sawra Kuddu HEP, Sainj HEP, Integrated Kashang HEP, Shongtong Karchham HEP and Renuka Ji Dam Project) is Rs. 50.24 Crore. Contribution towards LADF for these five projects has been made amounting to Rs.50.92 Crore till date. Since, electricity is a key input for socio- economic development process as such it contributes to poverty reduction indirectly through economic growth being central to the basic human needs of health and education. The range of efforts through R & R activities and welfare schemes initiated by the HPPCL and Local Area Development Fund (LADF) scheme for overall infrastructure development in the Project affected area have substantially contributed to the development of the subproject area.

By adhering to ADB’s Safeguard policy and  legal framework, national laws and policies, institutional arrangements and administrative procedures followed for implementing policies and framework, effectively for addressing environmental and social safeguards, HPPCL has been able to promote social and environmental sustainability of projects that will help in poverty reduction which is a major goal for sustainable development. It has been recognized that Country safeguard systems (CSS) help to promote sustainable development in the region, social as well as environmental.

For development of hydropower resources in the State of Himachal Pradesh, HPPCL has been meticulously implementing the Environment Management Plan (EMPs) and Resettlement and Rehabilitation plans for its projects. It has also formulated its Corporate Social Responsibility policy in the year 2014.

For effectively implementing EMPs, HPPCL has been conferred “Greentech Environment Award 2014-Silver Category’’. It has also obtained Best Project Implementation Award for high standard project implementation abilities in all aspects i.e. planning, contracting, financing, safeguard complying and site supervising from the Asian Development Bank. HPPCL has been conferred “CBIP Award for Best Performing Utility in Hydro Power Sector” in the entire country on 29th December, 2016 in New Delhi by the Hon’ble Union Minister.  

Rehabilitation and Resettlement

  • Working with a commitment to make lives of affected people better than what it was before land acquisition.
  • HPPCL believes in long term harmonious relationship with local communities in its project areas going beyond legal provisions.
  • HPPCL remains committed to provide good compensation, adequate grant and greater relief to the affected families, so as to set standards for the hydropower sector in the State.
  • HPPCL aims to minimize involuntary resettlement and other inconveniences to the local communities.
  • HPPCL believes in making the local communities a stake holder in its projects.

Corporate Social Responsibility Policy

The Companies Act, 2013 have been enforced w.e.f 1st April, 2014 and Section 135, thereof provides for mandatory provision of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) with an objective to spend 2% of average net profit of the Company of the last three financial years in pursuance to CSR Policy to be framed by the Company. Accordingly, HPPCL has framed its CSR Policy in the year 2014 and CSR Committee with Addl. Chief Secretary (MPP & Power) as its Chairman; Managing Director, Director (Personnel) and Director (Finance) as its Members and Chief Environmental Specialist and Chief Social R&R Specialist as its Member Secretary. The CSR Policy 2014, mainly shall cover the following activities:

  • Eradication of hunger, poverty and malnutrition, promoting preventive health care and sanitation and making available safe drinking water.
  • Promoting education including special education and employment, enhancing vocation skills especially among children, women, elderly and the differently abled and livelihood enhancement projects.
  • Promoting gender equality, empowering women, setting up homes and hostels for women and orphans, old age homes, day care centers. Ensuring environmental sustainability, ecological balance, protection of flora and fauna, animal welfare, agro forestry, conservation of natural resources and maintaining quality of soil, air and water.
  • Protection of national heritage, art and culture including restoration of buildings and sites of historical importance and works of art.
  • Measures for the benefit of armed forces veterans, war widows and their dependents.
  • Training to promote rural sports, nationally recognized sports, paralympic sports and Olympic sports.
  • Contribute to the Prime Minister’s National Relief Fund for socio-economic development of the Schedule Castes, the Schedule Tribes, other backward classes, minorities and women.
  • Contributions or funds provided to technology incubators located within academic institutions which are approved by the Central Government.
  • Rural development projects.
Last Updated On 19/05/2018