
Seniority List

Seniority List Date Download
Final Seniority list of Electricians as it stood on 01.01.2024  29.06.2024  Download View Document 59 Kb
Provisional Seniority list of Electricians as it stood on 01.01.2024  16.05.2024  Download View Document0
Final Seniority list of Sr. Manager (C/M) at E-6 level as on 01.01.2023  10.04.2024  Download View Document0
Final Seniority list of Sr. Manager (Elect) at E-6 level as on 01.01.2023  10.04.2024 Download  View Document0
Provisional Seniority list of Dy.Manager(C/M) as it stood on 01.01.2023  02.06.2023  Download View Document0
Seniority list of Assistant Engineer(C/M) at E-3 level as on 01.01.2022  01.06.2023  Download View Document0
Final Seniority list of Assistant Engineer (Elect) at E-3 level as on 01.01.2023  28.03.2023 Download View Document202 Kb 
Provisional Seniority list of Assistant Engineer (Elect) at E-3 level as on 01.01.2023 24.01.2023 Download View Document0
Final Seniority list of Assistant Officer(Fin) HPPCL as on 01.01.2022 14.12.2022 Download View Document 1 Mb
Final Seniority list of Assistant Officer(R&R) HPPCL as on 01.01.2022  14.12.2022 Download  View Document931 Kb
Provisional Seniority list of junior office Assistant as it stood on 31.07.2022 01/08/2022 Download View Document332 Kb
Provisional Seniority list of Aaaistant Engineer(C/M) at E-3 level stood on 01.01.2022 27.07.2022 Download View Document0
Provisional Seniority list of AO(R&R) at E-3 level stood on 01.01.2022 26.07.2022 Download View Document0
Provisional Seniority list of AO(F&A) at E-3 level stood on 01.01.2022 15.07.2022 Download View Document0
Final Seniority list of JE(Elect) as stood on 30.04.2022 21.05.2022 Download View Document0
Provisional Seniority list of AE(Civil/Mech) at E-3 level 26.11.2020 Download View Document0
Last date of filing objections/ suggestions/ correctness of seniority position/ particulars in seniority list has been extented till 31st May, 2020 19.05.2020 Download View Document166 Kb
Final seniority lists JO (IT), (P&A),(F&A) and PA as on 31.01.2020. 20.03.2020 Download View Document252 Kb
Provisional Seniority of Manager C/M, F&A, Elect, Environment, PR,P&A, IT, Geology as on 16.03.2020. 17/03/2020 download View Document830 Kb
Provisional Seniority of Dy.Manager P&A, F&A, Environment, LAW, IT as on 16.03.2020. 17/03/2020 Download View Document280 Kb
Provisional Seniority of AGM/DGM as on 16.03.2020. 17/03/2020 Download View Document 56 Kb
Provisional Seniority of Sr.Manager IT and  Fin as on 16.03.2020. 17/03/2020 Download View Document 67 Kb
Provisional Seniority of Surveyor as on 31.05.2019. 15.06.2019 Download View Document342 Kb
Final seniority list of Stenographer. 12/11/2018 Download View Document 41 Kb
Final seniority list of Computer Operator. 12/11/2018 Download View Document 52 Kb
Final seniority list of Drivers. 12/11/2018 Download View Document 37 Kb
Seniority list of Peon/ Attendant. 23/08/2018 Download View Document344 Kb
Seniority list of Computer Operator. 23/8/2018 Download View Document369 Kb
Seniority list of Drivers 23/08/2018 Download View Document349 Kb
Seniority list of JE Civil 31/12/2016 Download View Document 59 Kb
Seniority list of J.O Geology 31/12/2016 Download View Document 51 Kb
Seniority list of JO Finance 31/12/2016 Download View Document 55 Kb
Seniority list of JE Electrical 31/12/2016 Download View Document 53 Kb
Seniority list of JO (IT) 31/12/2016 Download View Document 53 Kb
Seniority List A.E Civil & Mech 28/02/2013 Download View Document 2 Mb
Seniority list of JO /JE (Civil/Mech)& JO/JE (Electrical) 31/03/2013 Download View Document 2 Mb
Seniority list of Assistant Engineers(Electrical) E-1 Level 31/10/2012 Download View Document 2 Mb
Seniority list of Assistant Engineers (IT) 30/09/2012 Download View Document614 Kb
Seniority list of Dy General Manager (Finance) E-7 30/06/2013 Download View Document603 Kb


Last Updated On 29/06/2024