
Lujai HEP

The project is proposed to be located on left bank of Lujai nallah a tributary of river Chenab in district Chamba, Himachal Pradesh The project involves construction of trench weir across Lujai nallah and a surface Power House located on left bank of Lujai nallah upstream of the confluence with Chenab River.

Capacity 45 MW
Design Energy (in 90% dependable year) 154.87 MU
Gross Head 809 m
Diversion Structure Trench Weir 15 m(L)x2m (W)
Head Race Tunnel 5.95 km long, 3.2 (W)x3.6(H) m D-shape short-concrete lined
Penstock/Pressure shaft One No. Surface, 1350 m long, 1.7m dia.
Power House Surface type to house three no. Pelton Turbine with generation units of 15 MW each.
District Chamba
State Himachal Pradesh
Last Updated On 16/08/2018